51 Law Blog Topics That Will Get You More Clients
Imagine what it would be like to have more leads walking through your door because of your expertise. What would it be like if you were able to help more people with their legal issues?
Your prospective clients need help. They are worried and concerned about their situation and they need someone who has the ability and the willingness to help them. That’s where your blog comes in.
If you want your website to convert more leads into clients, you need to provide high-quality content for your prospects. The content you create should be designed to educate and inform them. When you do this, they will be more likely to hire you.
Most of your prospects will find your website when they research the issue they are dealing with. If you post helpful content on a regular basis, it will be easier for them to find you.
Here’s an example. One of your prospects was injured because of another party’s negligence. In order to find out what to do about it, they go to Google and look up personal injury.
If you have multiple posts on this topic, it’s much more likely that they will find your website. If your content can answer their questions and educate them further on the topic, they will be much more likely to reach out to you. As a matter of fact, consumers are more likely to use a company’s services after reading their content.
This is why it’s important to provide relevant and engaging content on a regular basis. This post will give you some great blog topic ideas for your law firm.
Personal Injury
Tort law has many different components. Personal injury law alone can keep you busy as a blogging lawyer. Here’s some great topics for you.
1. Premises Liability: How to Determine if Negligence has Occurred
Many victims of slip and fall incidents aren’t sure if they have been the victim of negligence. Since they aren’t familiar with tort law, they need guidance. If you create posts that cover the basics of premises liability, prospects in your area will find your site when they do their research.
2. Premises Liability in your Apartment Complex
Great topic for those who have suffered injuries because of their landlord’s negligence.
3. Premises Liab
ility in a Restaurant
How many times have you heard of people getting injured in a restaurant? It happens quite a bit. An educational blog post that tells the reader what to do if they are injured in a restaurant will draw more traffic to your site.
4. Playground Liability
There are many incidents that involve children getting injured on the playground. When this happens their parents will be looking for guidance. Make sure you have some posts on this issue.
5. What Constitutes a Product Defect?
To a layperson, the laws surrounding product defects can be confusing. Since there are so many different aspects of product defect law, you should be able to write multiple posts on this.
6. Defective Medication: how do you know when a medication is defective?
Writing a blog post that describes what product defect law says about medication can help a prospect figure out if they might have a case. This type of those can be very useful because it can weed out prospects who don’t have a valid case. Prospects who reach out to you because of the post will be more likely to have a compelling case. This will keep you from wasting time on prospects who you can’t help.
7. Automobile defects
When someone gets into a car accident because of a defect with their automobile, they’ll need guidance. They may not be sure whether or not their automobile was actually defective. You could write a blog post that can give them some guidelines to determine if they could have a valid case against the manufacturer.
8. Chain of Distribution: What you Need to Know
It’s highly unlikely that most people who are dealing with a personal injury issue will understand the chain of distribution. They are not aware of the fact that there could be multiple parties responsible for their injury. If you write a post about it, it will give them a better understanding of the issue.
9. What is Defamation?
Defamation is a word people hear quite a bit. However, most people don’t understand what it means. You could write a blog post that would give the reader a good overview of what defamation is and what to do if the reader feels they have been defamed.
10. Social Media and Defamation
With the advent of social media, defamation has become more prevalent. Nowadays, it’s easy to make public defamatory statements online. There are probably many different posts you could write about this.
11. What is Negligence?
Write a post that explains what negligence is in easy-to-understand terms.
12. The John Doe Defendant
Write a post that tells the reader what can happen when they can’t identify each party that may have been responsible for their injury.
13. Police Misconduct
This is a hot-button issue right now. If someone believes they have been the victim of police misconduct, an informative post that tells the reader what to do may get you a lead.
14. How Damages Work
Since most people don’t understand how damages are awarded in a personal injury case, it might be useful to write a post that explains it.
Family Law
If your firm practices family law, there is a wealth of content that you could write. Here are some good topics.
15. The Different Types of Adoption
As you probably know, there are many couples who are unable to have children on their own. If you provide them with content that explains what their options are and the pros and cons of each, you will position yourself as the resource.
16. The Adoption Process
Most prospective parents begin by doing research on the process. Prospective clients in your area will probably do a Google search on adoption. Write a post that walks the reader through the process. Make sure it’s as detailed as possible. They will be more likely to contact you for more guidance.
17. Types of Adoption Agencies
While you’re at it, why not write a blog post that details the various types of adoption agencies that a reader could use.
18. Dealing with a Divorce
People get divorced. It’s unfortunate, but it happens quite often. Writing informative blog posts that deal with divorce can help you position yourself as an authority to people who read your content. The subject of divorce can spawn many different blog post topics.
19. How to Co-Parent Successfully
The subject of co-parenting may not have much to do with the law, but writing posts on it will show your reader that you have a more comprehensive view of the subject. They will see that you are actually there to help them. Not just take their money. You don’t need to be a leading authority to write content on this subject. There’s more than enough available information on this topic to make your research easier.
20. Children and Divorce
There are both legal and non-legal aspects that relate to the children of parents who divorce. Writing content on both will help your readers better understand the impact of their decision on their children. You can also write material that gives them effective coping strategies to make the transition less painful.
21. Divorce: Tips On What NOT To Do
If you’re a lawyer who deals with divorce cases, you have undoubtedly seen the many stupid mistakes people make. Create content that helps people avoid these mistakes. You may be helping them more than you know!
22. Domestic Violence: What Your Audience Needs to Know
Unfortunately, this is another reality that many people experience. If you have a reader that needs an attorney to help with a domestic abuse issue, providing instructive content on the subject can help them figure out what to do. If you’re knowledgeable about the subject, they may be motivated to seek out your assistance.
Estate Planning
Estate planning is yet another subject that could spawn numerous blog posts. If your firm handles estate planning, then you have a perfect opportunity to generate more leads by showing your expertise.
23. Last Will & Testament vs Living Trust
No doubt this is one of the most common questions you are asked. Since you’ve already answered it a billion times, why not write a few blog posts on it? That way, people will be more educated on the subject when they reach out to you. And, of course, they will reach out to you because you’ve so helpfully written content designed to inform them on this subject, right?
24. When is a Power of Attorney Valid? When Isn’t it Valid?
Most laypeople have heard of a power of attorney. They may even have an idea of what it does. What they don’t know is when it is legally binding, and when it isn’t. This means you might have readers looking up this very issue. How nice would it be if you had already written a well-crafted blog post that answers their question?
25. The Different Types of Power of Attorney: What they are, and What they can do
Even if a person knows what a power of attorney is, they probably don’t understand the different types of power of attorney exist. Create some content that discusses the various options that are available to people who are thinking about having a power of attorney drafted.
26. Common Estate Planning Mishaps
How often do you hear about celebrities passing away without having an effective estate plan in place? We’ve all heard about this very issue a million times. However, most of these mishaps are discussed without providing the actual reason the estate plan was faulty to begin with. Why not craft some content that gives a general idea of the many mistakes people make when creating their estate plan?
27. Common Estate Planning Terms and their Translations
Attorneys have a language called “legalese” for a reason. Nobody who isn’t an attorney can understand them without guidance! You could write a series of blog posts that take these terms and put them into plain words so the average Joe can comprehend them. You could become the Rosetta Stone of legalese!
28. Little-Known Quirks of Estate Planning Law in the State of ____
Every state has its own weird laws when it comes to estate planning. Write a post that gives a high-level overview of how estate planning works in the state you practice in.
29. How Moving to a Different State can Impact your Estate Plan
How many people draft their living trust or last will & testament in one state, then move to another state without updating it? A well-crafted blog post that addresses this very issue could catch the attention of someone who is wondering whether or not they need to make any changes to their documents.
30. When an Estate Plan should be Updated
Many people have their estate planning documents drafted, then they forget about them. An article that tells them the importance of having a periodic “check up” to make sure there are no revisions to be made will be very helpful.
31. How to Move Assets in and Out of a Living Trust
If someone is doing research on living trusts, it might be helpful to give them a quick primer on transferring property in and out of a trust.
Corporate Law
If your firm practices corporate law, the sky’s the limit on the amount of helpful content you can create. Whether the reader is a new entrepreneur, or a seasoned veteran, they will need legal advice. Here’s some ideas.
32. How to Form your Business
It’s one of the most common questions that comes up when a person is starting their business. They’re not sure what entity they should file their business as. Write some content that goes over the various business structures and explain the pros and cons of each type.
33. Personal Liability Protection
If someone is thinking about forming their business as an LLC or corporation, they have probably heard the term “personal liability protection.” An article that explains what it is and how it works will help them better understand this aspect of business.
34. Piercing the Corporate Veil
While you’re telling them what personal liability protection is, it might be a good idea to tell them how they can lose it. A post that goes over the corporate formalities they must comply would benefit your readers greatly.
35. The Basics of Employment Law
This subject alone could make tons of blog posts. Start out with a post that covers the basics of what any new employer needs to know.
36. Introduction to Worker’s Compensation
An article that deals with worker’s compensation can be helpful to both employers and employees. Many people only have a passing knowledge of laws related to this issue.
37. How to Avoid Getting Sued for Discrimination
How often have you heard stories about companies who get sued for discrimination because they weren’t familiar with the law? Your blog would be a great place to educate your reader on this subject to make sure they don’t make these mistakes.
38. Sexual Harassment Law
Sexual harassment is something that nobody wants to talk about, but it’s an issue that every employer must become familiar with. If you write content that addresses this issue in a more sensitive way, it will help your reader avoid any unnecessary issues.
39. Common Legal Mistakes made in ____ Industry
Industry-specific posts will help you narrow down particular types of readers and become more influential. For example, if you write content that deals with common legal issues in the foodservice industry, it shows that you have expertise that can benefit the new restaurant owner that is looking for an attorney.
40. Protecting your Brand with a Trademark
Many new entrepreneurs don’t know anything about intellectual property and how to keep others from stealing their brand. Write content that helps the reader understand why it’s important to protect their branding efforts.
41. Contracts
In any types of business, there are several different legal agreements that are involved. You could create a series of posts that deal with some of the more common types of contracts the business owner will need to become familiar. This is another subject that you can use to create industry-specific content as well.
42. How to Form a Non-Profit Corporation
There are many people out there who want to save the world and benefit their fellow man. That’s why it’s a great idea to create content that helps them get started.
43. Ownership and Shares
Novice business owners will need an overview of how ownership of a corporation works. That way, they know what to do when they want to transfer ownership and sell shares.
44. Annual Reports & Fees
As you know, each state has its own reports and fees that business owners are required to file. It would be a good idea to write a post that gives a timeline for when these filing are due. Even better, create an infographic or chart that maps it out for them. This will make it much easier for the reader to stay in compliance with the state.
45. How to Document a Director’s Meeting
If the reader is setting up a corporation, they will need to know how to conduct their director’s meetings. A post that discusses the importance of keeping accurate records will be helpful to your reader.
46. What to Know when Buying a Franchise
Content that is targeted to new franchise owners can help inform them of any potential issues that could arise.
47. Should you Foreign Qualify?
Many business owners want to do business in different states. Write a blog post that helps them figure out whether or not they need to foreign qualify.
48. Differences Between an S-Corporation and a C-Corporation
A post that describes the differences between an S-Corporation and a C-Corporation is essential for anyone who is thinking about incorporating. Offer your expertise in a way that makes this easy to understand.
49. Difference between Employees and Contractors
When a lot of business owners need to hire help, they wonder whether they should use independent contractors or regular employees. Create a post that outlines the pros and cons of each.
50. Collecting a Debt
What happens when a customer doesn’t want to pay what they owe? Write a post that tells the reader what steps to take.
51. Copyright Law
Do your readers know what’s protected under copyright law and what isn’t? Make sure they do.
When it comes to the law, there is tons of material you can use to keep your readers educated. The ideas in this article should give you a great start! Happy blogging!
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