Here’s 4 Proven Ways to Create Shareable Content

shareable content

Building an audience isn’t easy, is it? As you already know, increasing your traffic is one of the biggest challenges for aspiring entrepreneurs and solopreneurs.

And it can be pretty frustrating, right?

You spend hours creating epic blog posts, podcasts, or videos, only to have them collect dust on your website. Great content is pretty much useless if nobody is seeing it, right?

That’s why you need to know how to get your content shared. Creating shareable content is the only way to build credibility, increase traffic to your blog, and gain more visibility.

In this post you will learn the following:

  • How to create quality content.
  • How visual content can help you gain more exposure.
  • How you can make your content easier to share.
  • How SEO can get your content shared.
  • How to leverage influencers.

When you follow the tips in this post you will see how much easier it will be to influence your readers to share your content.

How to Create Shareable Content


Create Quality Content

This one’s pretty obvious, right? If you want people to share your content, it needs to be worth sharing. People will not share content that doesn’t benefit them.

The key to creating high-quality content is making sure you’re focusing on what the reader will get from each piece of content. When you’re creating a piece of content, you must first ask yourself how your reader will be better off after reading it.

Great content informs, educates, or entertains the one reading it. When you create a piece a content that does one or more of these things, you will have create something worth sharing. Content marketing is all about creating value. The more valuable you are to your audience, the more your content will be shared.


Use Visual Content

Creating visual content is an incredibly effective way to get your material shared. Is’ been shown to be the most shared type of content. As a matter of fact, people are 80% more likely to consume content if it’s visual.

This is because our brains are wired for it.

It’s far easier for us to consume content that is presented in a more visual form. Our brains can more easily digest visual content. This is one of the reasons you need to create visual content whenever you can.

Here’s some examples of some ways you can use visual content:

  • Video - Create videos that educate your audience on something important.
  • Infographics - Use an effective infographic theme that can make previously - written content easier to understand.
  • Images - Include compelling images in your posts to attract more readers.

Videos don’t have to be too difficult. Many entrepreneurs simply use their phone to record their content.

However, infographics can be a bit challenging. If you’re the creative type, there’s plenty of tools out there that can help. If you want to ensure that you have the highest-quality material possible, an infographic designer would be your best bet.

Of course, images are pretty easy to find. There are many places where you can find free stock photos.

While visual content isn’t the only way to get your content shared, it’s certainly one of the most effective methods. If you want more people to view your content, start taking a more visual approach to your content marketing efforts.


Make Your Content Easier To Share

What if there were times when people wanted to share your content but they couldn’t? That’s not a position you want your readers to be in, is it?
Creating shareable content means making it easy to share your content.

That’s why you need to ensure that you are making it easy for your readers to share your content. The less work they have to do, the better.

One thing you can do to increase the chances that a reader will share your content is to ask them to share. Many times, readers will consume a piece of content without thinking about sharing it. If you ask them to share your content, it will remind them.

This can be done at the end of the piece you’ve published. You can include a sentence that simply asks them for a share. If your content was useful, they will be more likely to comply with your request.

There are several different types of tools that can help you get your content shared. These are tools you can begin using to make sure your content is easy to share.

Here are some examples:

  • Click To Tweet - Allows you to include links in your post that your readers can click on to share your content.
  • ShareThis - Provides several different tools that make it easier for readers to share your content.
  • BlogPros - This company will automatically share your content. They will even target influencers that will share your content as well.

These tools will help you remind your readers to share your content. If you use these services the right way, your content will be more widely shared.


Get Influencers To Share Your Content!

If you want to get more shares, why not use other people? One of the greatest ways to get more exposure is to get others to share your content. This is especially helpful if you’re able to get major influencers to share your content.

So what’s the best way to do this? How can you get an influencer to share your content?

It’s simple. Make it worth their while.

There’s two primary ways you can do this.


The Incredibly Awesome Roundup Post

Creating helpful roundup posts can be incredibly effective. It’s a great example of shareable content Roundup blog posts are pieces of content that feature other writers. Roundup posts can take several different forms.

Here’s a few examples:

  • A list of your favorite blog posts about a particular topic.
  • A list of prominent news stories that involves your industry.
  • A list of the major influencers in your niche.
  • A list of tips from rock stars in your industry.

The great thing about roundup posts is that they can be easy to create. Most of the piece will be made up of material other people have already created.

After publishing the post, you will reach out to the people you have featured in the article. You can let them know that you mentioned them in an article and ask them to share it.

The person you reach out to will be more likely to share the article because it features them. You may not be able to get every single person to share the article. But if you’re able to get some of them to share the post, you will gain more exposure.


The Interview

Doing an interview is an even better way to get an influencer to share your content. When you write an interview article with an influencer, you will be able to get more people interested in what you’re writing.

This is especially true if the influencer is popular enough to get a lot of people who are looking for their work online. Not only that, the influencer will be more motivated to share an article that features them as the main topic.



Like I said before, content that doesn’t get read is useless. Don’t create content that just collects dust. Take the time to create shareable content.
When you follow the tips given in this article, you will find that more and more people will be sharing your content. As a result, your brand will get far more exposure on social media which means you will have even more readers.

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