The Entrepreneurial Spark: How to Keep Yourself Motivated


If you’re a budding entrepreneur, then you’ve already had it happen to you.

You’re working the normal 9 – 5 corporate America grind. Every day you start and finish your shift at the times your employer dictates. You make only the amount of money they say you can make. You take your vacations when they say you can take them.

And so it goes…

Until one day, something happens that makes you realize that you don’t want to do it anymore. You lose your job. You get passed up for that promotion. Someone who held you back is removed from your life. Now you know what you’ve always known: you’re capable of more than this. And this feeling has awakened something inside of you. You’ve grown tired of the carrot-and-stick corporate life.

You want more. A better life for your family, more autonomy, and a real way to create wealth and leave your mark on the world. It builds and builds until finally, you SNAP. You have made your decision. You’re going to start your own business, and you’re going to do it now.

In that moment, everything changes. You now have a new focus, a new motivation that fuels you. And you know things will never be the same.

This is the initial “entrepreneurial spark” that ignites your newfound passion. It drives you. It pushes you. Then, it stops.

You become overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of what you’re doing. Reality sets in and you are consumed with doubt. You become discouraged. Are you really capable of doing this? Is this a mistake?

What have you gotten yourself into?

It happens to all of us.

The good part? It doesn’t have to stay this way. All you need is another spark.


How Do You Re-Motivate Yourself?


So how can you maintain the fire that got you started? You keep finding new ways to be inspired. If you feel dejected or uncertain, you keep working anyway. You refuse to allow the negative feelings to dictate your actions.

Here are a few rules to follow:

Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate

Hold on to each win. Small victories are important. Each win brings you closer to realizing your dream. Keep a record of the things that go right. When you’re feeling down, review it. Continually remind yourself of how far you have come.

Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People

This is probably the most important rule to keep in mind. In his article for Entrepreneur magazine, Stephen Key says “at work and on your time off, spending time with people who have a positive outlook on life can be very inspiring. Avoid people who have a defeated attitude and are generally negative, because their perspective will inevitably rub off on you.” The worst thing you can do is hang around people who are negative.

They will only discourage you and hold you back. Starting a business is hard enough on its own, you don’t need anyone giving you negative vibes along the way.


Find Daily Inspiration


Take some time to look at the accomplishments of other people who are doing what you are doing. There are stories of success everywhere. You just have to find them. It’s easier to believe you can achieve something if you see other people who have already done it.

You cannot rely only on the initial spark that pushed you into entrepreneurship. You need to reignite your fire daily. It is the only way you can keep going. Ultimately, this is what will make you successful.


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